
Sgt wines specializes in organizing events for a wide range of private customers, ranging from passionate wine connoisseurs to corporate entities. These are some of the services we offered in the recent years:


- Public outdoor Events organized in collaboration with restaurants and Chefs,featuring  wide selection of wines and food depending on the customers' needs.

-Organizing Private Events including  : corporate wine tastings, wine classes and seminars ,virtual tastings , charity events, employee social activities,  ;

 Providing wine bartending services to weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, company year end parties, golf clubs, private clubs,art exhibitions and many other categories of social gatherings. 

“Italian Afternoon At Radici”


“Radici的義大利午後” 是在台北迪化街舉辦的新系列活動之開端,地點在美麗的日式建築戶外, 在這裡, 您能以極優惠的價格, 享受到由 Anima's 主廚Marco 烹飪的高品質美食和 SGT Wines 進口的義大利葡萄酒。本系列活動的概念旨在逐步發展,並促進全台灣義大利製造行業不同領域的參與者和供應商之間互相交流;我們感謝大家的參與,如果您此次不克前來,請千萬別錯過下次參加的機會!

"An Italian Afternoon at Radici" is the beginning of a new event series held right here in Taipei's Dihua Street, in a beautiful Japanese era colonial building outdoor location; here you can enjoy high-quality food brought by Anima's Chef Marco and free-flow Italian Wines imported by SGT Wines, all at a remarkably competitive price. The concept is designed to progressively evolve, involving participants and vendors coming from different segments of the Made in Italy sector in Taiwan. We thank everybody for their participation and if for any reason you could not make it, make sure to come next time!



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